We bought a house, obviously. Below you'll see the unsuspecting married couple, excited about their purchase. Not knowing what lies ahead.
Soon they found 12 layers of wall paper ready to greet them. This was day one of demo.
Day three of demo, still working on the wall paper. Now Doug is involved so it's going faster.
By day 6 we're rocking and rolling. We've removed the carpet, the light switch covers and closed a doorway (barely noticeable to the right). We found all sorts of surprises, like the wood floors below:
Whoa, kitchen.
yay, vintage tile.
scary asbestos. Doug knocked all the asbestos duct work out of the basement, saving us $2800~ score.
Huge job. The two of us ripped all this tongue and groove planking up from the basement ourselves and lifted them out of the window.
This is a view of the great outdoors, through the front door. When I started taking the paint off I realized that paint was concealing some serious cracks in the door.
So that's what we've been up to, oh and the dormer project is one step to done. So look forward to that!